Thursday, July 1, 2010


It’s the first day of a month and I haven’t posted anything new in a while. That’s why I owe you all an explanation.

Life has been pretty hectic recently and I have found myself packing and looking for a new job.

Having lived in Istanbul for three years, the time has come say goodbye to that amazing city. There are many reasons behind my decision most of which I don’t want to discuss here.

So here I am – back in Poland, not really ready for a new start. But there’s no choice.

I’ve met some fantastic people here and the future, though largely uncertain, seems bright again.

I’ll be in Istanbul at the end of August but otherwise you’ll be able to find me in and around the beautiful TriCity in Poland. If you’re planning to attend the 2010 IATEFL Poland conference, I’ll see you there!


  1. OMG, that IS big news. All the best with the move and I am sure you will land on your feet. I will be at IATEFL Poland, and hey there might even be a Pecha Kucha this year. If so, are you interested in repeating your fantastic one from ISTEK?

  2. Thank you Lindsay and Andy! :)

    Pecha Kucha in Poland? Great!!! Count me in! :)

  3. Hi Anita!
    I wish you all the best in your new beginning - I know how you feel! The good thing is that you are in your own country, so that should make the transition smoother.
    Keep smiling and wish you the best of luck!
    Kindest regards,

  4. Thank you Vicky!

    I guess the key is to stay positive and with a bunch of friends like you it should be easier :)

  5. Pecha Kucha in Poland this year? That's news to me, as the entertainment programme was arranged some time ago, and is packed already with goodies. We (IATEFL Poland Cttee) also are reluctant to repeat entertainment acts - that's why 'Grupa Mozarta' were not invited for a second time, even though they were fantastic. Still, I only recently heard that Lindsay was coming to the Conference, and he obviously has powers of persuasion I would not quickly discount. Pecha Kucha was great the first time around in Łódż, and I've heard about your excellent 6-min. version at ISTEK, Anita....but my senses tell me that the event may well happen next year: more likely than this year.

    Anyhow, good luck, Anita, with forging a new career, wherever it is, and look forward to meeting up with you and other Twitterati at the Conference in September.

    All the best,



    Peter Whiley.

    PS - You can probably vote now at the Presidential Elections. One Kaczynski brother as President was more than enough!

  6. Hi Peter!

    Great to see you here and thank you for the kind words :)

    This year or next - we'll see. Anyhow, I have a feeling it's going to be a wonderful Tweetup (my first IATEFL Poland btw)!

    I have already voted and will do so on Sunday again! Let's keep our fingers crossed :)

  7. Hey Anita,

    Looks beautiful. Very envious of living on the coast!! Can I change my prize to a tour of those three cities??

    Best of luck with the move,


  8. Hey Mike :)

    You certainly can change your prize - I'll be delighted to give you a tour around the TriCity :)

    Have you thought about coming to our September IATEFL? Would be great to finally meet!

  9. Hi Anita

    Big news indeed! I am sure the time is right for you to embark on a new and exciting future.

    Best of luck with everything.


  10. Wish you all the best Anita!

    I'll lend you one of my favorite quotes:
    “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”
    Give it back when you've settled down and I'm in doubt 8-)

  11. Thanks a lot Willy!

    Love the quote :)

  12. Hi Anita,
    Are you going to be living and working in Poland or are you off to another country again?

  13. I'll stay here for a year - that's the plan :)
